/BCO-DMO/Antarctic_Inverts/Cannon_2014_TS2 --taxon eq Holothuroidea-- Level 1

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#   Hemichordata and Echinodermata sample log and accessions
#   PI: K. Halanych (Auburn U)
#   version: 2016-12-22
#   NOTE: These data were published in Table S2 of Cannon, et a 28(2014) Current Biology 24,oi.org/10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.10.016
#      When two numbers are reported, this represents 2 separate sequencing runs from a given taxon.
#      Links to GenBank accessions are to the first one only.
species                         taxa_new_to_study  source                                          num_reads              num_unigenes  HaMStR_OGs  NCBI_accession                         link_NCBI_accession  
Apostichopus japonicus          no                 SRA (Illumina)                                  91860733               139677        979         SRR414930                              SRR414930  
Parastichopus parvimensis       no                 SRA (Illumina)                                  130417338 & 118404785  252996        994         SRR496203                              SRR496203  
Parastichopus parvimensis       no                 SRA (Illumina)                                  130417338 & 118404785  252996        994         SRR496204                              SRR496204  
Parastichopus californicus      yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          52003372               134640        898         SAMN03012744                           SAMN03012744  
Holothuria glaberrima           no                 SRA (Illumina)                                  63760530               98449         749         SRR490864                              SRR490864  
Leptosynapta clarki             yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          56022502               242126        891         SAMN03012745                           SAMN03012745